I received my two FREE Quest Bars, one of each flavor, a couple of days ago. I had heard about these bars over at Jimmy Moore’s site, http://livinlavidalowcarb.com/blog/ a few months back. They sounded like they might be good, (i.e.,
Holiday weight gain: Is it inevitable?
The Holiday season is definitely a high-risk time of year for gaining weight. However, does it mean that gaining weight during this time of year is inevitable? I think not. There are many things that can be done that can
A low-carb low-cost meal
In the past few days I’ve seen two great posts on food cost, one by Richard at freetheanimal.com and one by Don at primalwisdom.com. Not being one to kill a good trend, I thought I’d pass along another example. This
What I Ate for Dinner – 11/30/10
I ate this meal a week or so ago, so I can’t remember exactly how much of each food was on the plate. Steak – I’m guessing about 12 oz. These were buy-one-get-one-free at the supermarket. Avocado – The whole
Fiber-Part 4-Weight Loss
I discuss the evidence for the benefits of fiber on appetite/hunger and weight management.
Professor Haub's Twinkie Diet Weight Loss Experiment
Professor Mark Haub ate junk food and lost weight. Big deal. Well, I guess it is a big deal, since I was emailed this story multiple times this week – everybody’s been talking about it – even Rush Limbaugh. If
What I Ate for Dinner Last Night – a low-carb weight loss meal
16 oz chicken 1 medium avocado 1/2 tbls. butter spinach pico de gayo Chalula hot sauce This meal ended up being about 1,300 calories with the quantities I ate. Keep in mind, this was a ton of food – I
Breakfast Today
This is what I had for breakfast today. It was quick to prepare and very tasty. Four hard boiled eggs with one sliced cucumber with some extra virgin olive oil and salt and pepper on top of it. Plenty of
Part 3- Fiber and health/weight: How solid is the evidence?
This week I discuss the research relating to fiber and colon health. In general, it seems that fiber is not protective against colorectal cancer (CRC) and surprisingly it does not have much benefit in preventing or helping with digestive disorders,
What's in your weight loss meal? – Lean Cuisine nutrition facts
I’ve been wanting to dig into some popular weight loss products that provide pre-made meals to see what was hiding in their nutrition info and ingredients lists. I’m hesitant to even open this can of worms. I feel like I’m