A friend of mine brought up a good topic on Facebook the other day, something I’ve had to deal with quite a bit over the years. I guess it’s mostly been because I haven’t reached a ripe old age yet,
Dr. Oz – The Best Time of Day to Lose Weight
Dr. Oz had a segment called “The Best Time of Day to Lose Weight” where he discussed how the time of day you do certain behaviors can have an effect on their effectiveness. #1. Weighing yourself.
Dr. Mercola's Muscle Metabolism Mistake
Dr. Mercola recently published this article on his site. He starts by discussing new research regarding meal frequency and metabolism. The general sentiment of his article is that eating more often does not increase metabolism, but eating more frequently might
Declining Metabolism With Age?
Myth: I am older so my metabolism has slowed down and it is harder to lose weight or maintain a desired weight Fact: A fall in the metabolic rate through aging does occur when studied in large populations. Reasons for
Muscle Metabolism Myth
A common thought in the health and fitness industry is “gain muscle and increase your metabolism”. This is technically true, but the effect is minimal. It has been estimated that 1 POUND of muscle will have a DAILY energy expenditure