Don’t have time to workout? Don’t have any equipment or a gym membership? Shut up about it already and just do something:
Why Chad Waterbury is Wrong and I'm Right (as always)- Part 3
In Parts 1 and 2 I discussed 2 of the 3 references on Chad Waterbury’s Fat Loss Research page on I like Chad’s work, I just don’t agree with his use of these references. The science just isn’t behind his recommendations in the way he’d like them to be.
Weight Loss Workout With One Dumbbell
As you know, a good weight loss workout is based around muscle maintenance. With just one dumbbell (DB), you can perform a few simple, but effective movements that will recruit just about every muscle you need to work. Here are
Quick Weight Loss Workout
Push-ups, Pull-ups, Squats, and Leg-lift Hold.