If you read my recent post about un-complicating fitness, you weren’t alone. Apparently it has set the fitness blogging world on fire! Anthony Colpo must read DoingSPEED.com. Steve Kamb must read DoingSPEED.com. I’m just being silly, of course. I doubt
Why Make Fitness More Complicated?
Why make fitness more complicated? We’ve already established that weight loss is not all that simple, right? If you don’t agree, please chime in and tell us why. Not everyone is out to lose weight, so let me back up
Why Chad Waterbury is Wrong and I'm Right (as always)- Part 3
In Parts 1 and 2 I discussed 2 of the 3 references on Chad Waterbury’s Fat Loss Research page on www.chadwaterbury.com. I like Chad’s work, I just don’t agree with his use of these references. The science just isn’t behind his recommendations in the way he’d like them to be.
Don't Exercise, Play
Here’s a little something I wrote a while back. More musing than anything…. Exercise is boring. Exercise is a waste of time. Exercise is dying. Exercise is dead. Living a healthy lifestyle requires motivation. It’s easy to slip into a
Metabolic Decline with Age.
A review of energy metabolism by Roberts and Rosenberg estimates that the decline in metabolic rate that humans experience with aging is equal to about 1-2% per decade. This means that from the age of 20 to 70, we can
Killer Computers
Killer Computers!!! The information age has enabled us to communicate in incredible ways, ushering in a fast-paced society where anything is possible. We can accomplish anything we need with a few clicks of a mouse or keyboard. We’ve become best
Matt, I'm sore. Should I stretch?
It’s a common misconception that stretching before/after/during a workout will help relieve the soreness we feel from a challenging workout. While it’s very rare that I’ll tell a client not to stretch, I make sure they understand it’s not going
Mirror, mirror….
We have no mirrors in our workout room at L.E.A.N. We decided, based on some research we read (of course) that mirrors may be detrimental to some of our clients’ self-image. We’ve been asked quite a few times if we
Healthy Bacteria
***Especially important for moms and their newborns*** We have a couple pounds of bacteria in our gut. Without them we would die. Did you know this? If not, how do you know if you’re helping these bacteria survive? There’s only
Piggy-backing on my last post about the importance of sleep, I wanted to write a quick not about waking up. It’s hard to do sometimes, especially when the sun isn’t up yet. Our sleep cycles are tied to our hormonal