“Whey Protein but Not Soy Protein Supplementation Alters Body Weight and Composition in Free-Living Overweight and Obese Adults” That’s the title of a study from the Journal of Nutrition, August 2011 edition. Here’s the basic set-up. Three groups, one drinks
Dr. Kessler's Invterview on NPR – What is the government's role in nutrition?
Dr. David Kessler was a guest on Here & Now with Steve Goldstein on NPR. He’s speaking near me at ASU tomorrow night. I won’t go to his lecture, but I was pointed to this interview by a friend. The
A low-carb low-cost meal
In the past few days I’ve seen two great posts on food cost, one by Richard at freetheanimal.com and one by Don at primalwisdom.com. Not being one to kill a good trend, I thought I’d pass along another example. This
What should you do to get the best weight loss results?
Jeff and I continue to coach people one-on-one and in small groups at our weight loss clinic in Mesa, AZ. It’s something we enjoy very much and we feel privileged to have the opportunity to affect people’s lives so greatly.
What’s the deal with hot dogs?
When eating a low-carb diet it is useful to find quality protein sources that are quick and convenient, not to mention good for you. Surprisingly, there are certain types of hot dogs that qualify. You must be thinking “You must
Grass-fed animals: Why what animals eat affects your health.
We mention in S.P.E.E.D. that there are weight loss and health benefits from ingesting a certain amount of omega 3 fats. However, we did not mention that grass fed cows can be a good source of omega 3’s. Grass-fed cows
Eating is Like Brushing Your Teeth
The other night I was driving home after a long day and had an epiphany. Ok, maybe it wasn’t an epiphany, maybe it was just an idea, but it made a lot of sense at the time and it still
Pemmican Bars from U.S. Wellness Meats: A quick way to get some high quality protein and fat.
Most of us are looking for foods or food products that are quick, healthy and low-carb. The Pemmican bar from U.S. Wellness Meats is just the product. It is combination of grass-fed beef jerky, grass-fed tallow, touch of honey, dried
Myths Section of S.P.E.E.D.
As you all know, we’re getting closer and closer to being finished with this weight loss ebook. It’s getting more exciting each day. We apologize for our infrequent posting lately, we’ve just been pouring our energy into the book itself
Declining Metabolism With Age?
Myth: I am older so my metabolism has slowed down and it is harder to lose weight or maintain a desired weight Fact: A fall in the metabolic rate through aging does occur when studied in large populations. Reasons for