Functional training along with core/stability training are common buzz words in the personal training/fitness industry. Regrettably, like many things in this industry (do I sound jaded?), it sounds good but how it is usually applied is silly. Additionally, there is
Book Review: Play As If Your Life Depends On It by Frank Forencich
I just finished reading Play As If Your Life Depends On It by Frank Forencich, again. I first read this book 3 or 4 years ago. I decided to read it again because I have been contemplating my personal training
Recent books I have read that I think are worth reading
Most of these books are not weight loss or fitness related books, but they still have some great information that relates to motivation and adherence issues, which for exercise and eating behaviors, is very pertinent. Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates
Forks vs Feet: A Debate Worth Watching
Recently I came across a video over at the Obesity Panacea blog called Forks vs Feet. This is a debate between Dr. Yoni Freedhoff and Dr. Bod Ross on whether the obesity problem is caused and remedied by a change in eating or
Review of Skinny Bitch: Should be called Stupid Bitches
A few clients recently mentioned the book Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin (1). One of them uses this book as support for her vegan lifestyle. As I often do, I headed to the library and picked-up a
Review of: The New Atkins for a New You
I have been traveling a bit, the joys of moving, and have had a little more time for some recreational reading. So I decided to read The New Atkins for a New You by Westman, Phinney, & Volek. This book
"Lean Muscle Mass" – I'll take redundancy for 200 please, Alex
The term “lean muscle mass” gets thrown around quite a bit in the fitness industry. Google the phrase and you’ll see it’s everywhere. I can’t remember whether Jeff or I noticed it first, but the term is redundant. It’s one
New Subtitle for SPEED "A Complete How-To Manual for Quick & Permanent Fat Loss"
Matt and I have been considering changing the subtitle of our book for nearly a year now. And, well, we have finally decided to do it, we just had another small run of books printed. The new subtitle is “A
How to Set Goals that Work!
Are you moving closer to the things you want? If you are struggling to achieve your goals or at least move much closer to them, then you will want to consider how you have set up your goals. The reason
A Review of the Quest Bar
I received my two FREE Quest Bars, one of each flavor, a couple of days ago. I had heard about these bars over at Jimmy Moore’s site, a few months back. They sounded like they might be good, (i.e.,